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assemblymember.waldron@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.friedman@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.cervantes@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.ramos@assembly.ca.gov, senator.archuleta@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.chen@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.daly@assembly.ca.gov, senator.bates@senate.ca.gov, senator.roth@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.arambula@assembly.ca.gov, senator.caballero@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.bigelow@assembly.ca.gov, senator.dahle@senate.ca.gov, senator.grove@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.gray@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.aguiar@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.rivas@assembly.ca.gov, senator.borgeas@senate.ca.gov
Dear Leaders of California, This letter is on behalf of all bowlers in California, requesting that you please allow bowling centers to reopen immediately. California is one of the last states where bowling centers are still shuttered. The vast majority of the country has already allowed these centers to open. Bowling has been a fixture in my life that has been completely shut down during the pandemic, and despite other businesses in California opening during the past few months, I still can’t go bowling. While bowling may seem like just another sport to some, bowling centers are pillars of the community for thousands of Californians, let alone the millions across the country. I know my local centers do so much for my community through fundraising and special events, especially for families and young kids looking for a way to have fun during the hot summer months. I’m able to connect with friends and get together with family members in a completely unique environment at our bowling center and stay physically active, something that can’t be said about the gyms and restaurants in my neighborhood that are open. And unlike those spaces, bowling centers are way bigger! I can go into a bowling center and never be within 10 feet of the other bowlers when every other lane is being used, but there are tons of indoor places open with no solutions like this. On top of that, our centers have told us they will be making masks mandatory, cleaning every surface, ball and shoe between each use, and providing hand sanitizer throughout. When I hear that all together, I feel much safer than I do at any other indoor place. So please, help give our community back the hub of safe, fun entertainment for all that we’ve been missing for months and give the owners of these bowling centers a fair chance to get their businesses back on track. It’s been a hard time for so many in California during the pandemic, and for thousands in the state, bowling is our one saving grace. Thank you.