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assemblymember.waldron@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.friedman@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.cervantes@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.ramos@assembly.ca.gov, senator.archuleta@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.chen@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.daly@assembly.ca.gov, senator.bates@senate.ca.gov, senator.roth@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.arambula@assembly.ca.gov, senator.caballero@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.bigelow@assembly.ca.gov, senator.dahle@senate.ca.gov, senator.grove@senate.ca.gov, assemblymember.gray@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.aguiar@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.rivas@assembly.ca.gov, senator.borgeas@senate.ca.gov
Dear Leaders of California, Bowling Centers of Southern California and the Northern California Bowling Proprietors Association represent 250+ bowling centers, which are integral parts of their communities. However, they need your immediate help to survive. Like many businesses in California, bowling centers have been hit hard by the pandemic. Sadly, many centers are on the verge of closing permanently, and several centers have already closed including 44-lane Cloverleaf Family Bowl, which operated for 57 years in Fremont. The center provided nearly $1.5 million in scholarships to teens over the past 20 years, fundraised for local organizations, and ran one of the best youth bowling programs in the U.S. Recently, a 90-year-old lady, on hearing the center is closing, told the owner that bowling several times per week was her and her husband's social and physical activity. She asked, "What's left for us to do? How can we see our friends? How can we get our exercise?" We know we all must do our part to provide safe and healthy environments for our employees and customers. At the start of this pandemic, bowling centers throughout the state closed and immediately strategized ways to keep our facilities clean and sanitized. We developed best practices based on CDC recommendations and state safety guidelines, on top of the advice from the Bowling Proprietors' Association of America and the National Restaurant Association. On June 12, with these strict health protocols in place, a portion of our centers across the state were given permission to open briefly, before being shut down again indefinitely. Bowling centers are large spaces, with social distancing achievable by implementing many actions such as rotating lanes and social distancing markers, unlike in almost any restaurant, bar, or other indoor activity. Bowling is considered a much lower risk than many other activities on the COVID-19 risk index, and almost all other states have acknowledged these facts and allowed bowling centers to open. We implore you to help save your local bowling centers. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our centers' safe operating protocols with you and your staff and show you the impact these centers have on the people of California. Thank you.